Kloudspot Redefines The ‘Hybrid’ Work Experience with KloudHybrid™
New Solution Blends Physical and Virtual Workspace Experiences to Fuel Collaboration and Productivity, and Protect Employee Health, Safety and Wellness.
April 20, 2021 | Sunnyvale CA, USA
Kloudspot, Inc., makers of the first network-enabled and cloud-based Situational Awareness and Intelligence Platform, today introduced KloudHybrid(TM) a new solution that redefines ‘hybrid’ work as an enriched experience that goes beyond providing employees with physical work location flexibility. KloudHybrid enables workers to virtually join colleagues in a physical workspace for real-time collaboration experiences that transcend both video meetings and traditional work management and digital workspace solutions.
“This last year, there’s been a dramatic and accelerated shift in how we work and collaborate,” said Guillermo Diaz, Jr., CEO, Kloudspot. “The world has changed. Every experience now has a digital component and every individual now has a flexible perimeter space that allows each of us to feel safe and provides the flexibility to work from anywhere,” said Diaz. “We developed KloudHybrid so organizations can deliver immersive and engaging experiences that transcend boundaries, so the work experience itself is consistent regardless of where employees are physically—or virtually located.”
“Work is fundamentally social, and human connection is an important part of the work experience,” notes sociologist Tracy Brower. KloudHybrid delivers that simulated connection to alleviate the stress, isolation and fatigue that often sets in with remote work, so employees feel good and are more productive.
Additionally, today, the NEC Networks & System Integration Corporation (NESIC) of Japan, announced plans to migrate from a 100% remote work style to a hybrid model with 50% of employees working from home and 50% back in offices. “To enable this transition, and prioritize the health and safety of our employees with real-time enforcement of our social distancing and PPE policies, we deployed the new KloudHybrid solution,” said Osamu Kikuchi, Head Of Business Development at NESIC. “Creating a work culture where employees feel safe and excited to come to the office again, and also feel connected and included when they decide to work remote is a key priority for us,” said Kikuchi-san. “And with KloudHybrid, we can deliver this experience to our employees and maximize the investments we’ve already made in our IT tools and applications. Now our employees can safely come back to the office and feel connected and productive when they choose to work remotely.”
Traditional work management and digital workspace solutions provide easy remote conference room scheduling, workspace booking, wayfinding, virtual check-in and desk management features, but they stop there. KloudHybrid combines these features with location-based data and analytics, AI-driven intelligence, and integration with standard collaboration and communication tools to deliver immersive, engaging and safe office experiences.
Here’s how it works:

Via mobile app, tablet or laptop, employees can book a specific seat or conference room to attend a meeting live, or remotely from anywhere in the world, selecting the site, date, time-slot and workspace. Knowing when employees will show up lets organizations plan for capacity and social distancing. A QR code allows for contact-less check-in. Once ‘in’ the meeting, attendees enjoy the virtual experience of being together again in a virtual reality, 3D-type experience.
Integration and real-time access to contacts, calendar, company news feeds, conferencing APIs and chat tools create a single pane of glass experience for employees. In addition, 360 degree views of office plans deliver a walk-through simulation so remote workers can once again roam the halls and visit the breakroom. With all the data captured, it’s easy to run productivity analytics to deliver business impact.
Introduced in 2017, the Kloudspot Situational Awareness and Intelligence Platform is a cloud-based SaaS platform that ingests data from connected IoT devices such as WiFi, BLE, environmental sensors and connected cameras, and analyzes the data applying ML and AI concepts to drive engagements and interactions with the people and devices in a defined perimeter space. KloudHybrid and the Kloudspot portfolio are available through the certified partner channel.
For more information on Kloudspot’s capabilities, or to request a demo, please visit https://kloudspot.com/
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Media Contact:
Connect Marketing
Holly Hagerman
(801) 373-7888